Complacency is your Enemy and Awareness your Agency
I encourage my readers to think about what networking is for them. For a baby boomer like me, networking is getting out and meeting people. Attending alumni events (free), attending conferences (discounted for students), joining professional associations (just became a toastmaster member) Of course, I am on LinkedIn, Facebook, Yammer and Twitter. But, it is the face to face networking that has the most impact with the best return for the job seeker or career climber.
In fact, the Gen X and Y job seekers suffer from a networking deficit that gives the older job seeker or career climber a distinct advantage. It takes eight interactions with an individual to render trust and establish a benchmark of personal and professional integrity. Once established, this is an opportunity to connect with a professional networking contact for personal gain. In fact, the first engagement must be in person and the subsequent interactions can be online or through some social media outlet. Remember the golden rule of networking, "you have to give something to get something." Giving something is open to interpretation, what I can offer is that the "giving" needs to occur during face to face contact.
Now, let's discuss how social media factors into your networking plan. First and foremost, participating in social media means that you live in a glass house. In other words, with an online presence you are giving a potential employer the opportunity to preclude you from an interview or job offer because of the social media imprint that you are perpetuating each and every day. Consequently, it is important to keep tabs on what is out there that is potentially harmful and searchable information. Every savvy job seeker or career climber must set up a GOOGLE Alert using their name (including middle name and initial).
My recommendation is to keep tabs on your reputation because it is your personal and professional branding tool. If you are unsure of how your actions are impacting your online aura, take a course or attend a workshop, podcast, webinar or read a book on social media etiquette. Keep in mind that if you are a job seeker or a career climber that complacency is your enemy and awareness is your agency.